“Your license needs to be protected, as robustly as if it were your liberty”
We often take our driving licenses for granted, not appreciating how much it would affect our daily lives, if our driving records were impacted. We are considered experts in representing individuals facing driving charges.
Death by Dangerous Driving
Dangerous Driving
Driving without Due care and attention
No Insurance
Mobile Phone use whilst driving
Disabled badge misuse
Drink or Drug driving
Totting – Hardship arguments
Some of these offences carry significant prison sentences, whilst others restrict our ability to drive. This can in turn lead to loss of work, and our general ability to live our normal lives. Therefore it is vital that you instruct lawyers who are experienced and competent in defending these matters as robustly as possible. We have a track record of success in such cases, and our team use advocates and experts who excel in defending drivers.
Let us know how we can help you. If your license matters, call us.